
7 high Tips for Microsoft Word Users

7 high Tips for Microsoft Word Users Codelistnull - Microsoft Word is a very simple tool to begin victimization. but there square measure immeasurable fascinating options “under the bonnet”. a number of these options will prevent heaps of your time once manufacturing documents. i'm astonished that they're not moreover called they must be. These high 7 Tips square measure my favourites and that i cannot imagine life with Microsoft Word before I found them! 1. Oops. I left Caps lock on! We all understand that feeling. you're writing away happily and so you search at your screen to grasp that you just had hit the Caps Lock button. currently everything you simply typewritten is within the wrong capitalisation. Don’t despair. Highlight the text and goto the Format menu and choose amendment Case from the drop menu. Then simply choose your required case from the list provided, which is able to in all probability be Toggle Case. 2. Whereas we have a tendency to square